GEO-NET South Africa

Together with GEO-NET Ukraine, the GEO-NET branch in Cape Town is the newest of our foreign branches. Via GEO-NET South Africa Pty Ltd. we offer our complete range of services from searching for suitable sites, designing and conducting wind measurement campaigns, to energy yield assessments and due diligence directly through our entity in South Africa, which facilitates the handling of orders, contracts, payments and project development and enables us to handle the whole range of our services through our local company. 


Our high quality accredited services are still provided by our experts from the head office in Hanover, so that a consistently high quality and standard conformity of our services is always guaranteed. By establishing the company, we are now able to handle the entire range of our services, from site identification to wind measurements and energy yield assessments, on site in South Africa.


South Africa offers excellent wind resources, sufficient space, a rapidly growing energy demand and an established wind industry. After a politically forced stop of the expansion, wind energy is picking up speed again under the current president, and numerous new projects are being developed.


GEO-NET already has many years of experience in South Africa with wind field simulations, wind measurements and energy yield assessments. Up to now most wind farms are located in windy coastal regions, but with modern turbine technology more and more projects are developed inland, where the terrain becomes more complex. Simple wind models fail at such locations. GEO-NET offers a CFD model which has proven to be very reliable especially in complex terrain: FITNAH-3D.


Please feel free to contact us any time! Johannes Lange is your contact person for projects in South Africa.



Phone ZA: +27 (0)783 234 511

Phone DE: +49 (0)172 8408064



I will be happy to help you!


Our services in South Africa

  • Wind potential studies
  • Search area procedure for wind energy sites
  • Conception, organization and execution of mast measurements
  • LiDAR/SoDAR measurements and verifications
  • Bankable wind and energy yield reports (AEP Reports)
  • Micrositing and park layout optimization
  • Technical Due Diligence
  • Performance analyses and long-term energy production assessment of wind farms
  • Turnkey Wind Ressource Assessments, including met mast campaign and full AEP Report