For almost 20 years we have been supporting our customers with our comprehensive know-how in the fields of wind energy and environmental meteorology. Our interdisciplinary team is made up of experts in fields such as geography, meteorology, renewable energy engineering and landscape ecology. The long-standing experience makes us a reliable partner for the profound advice, successful development and reliable expertise of your wind energy projects.
GEO-NET provides individual solutions for private and public clients – from project developers to state authorities. We offer high quality and reliable expertise guaranteed by the accreditation according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 (DAkkS*1, ILAC*2). As certified and accredited laboratory, GEO-NET follows the current national and international technical guidelines and standards.
GEO-NET is recognized by banks, finance investors, project developers and public authorities. The worldwide acceptance of our reports is ensured via the ILAC Mutual Recognition Agreement. As a result of our long-standing international activities we have open subsidiaries in South Africa and the Ukraine. The accreditation by DAkkS covers conduction of wind measuring campaigns, wind data analysis, the determination of wind potential, as well as energy yield calculations and the determination of reference yield of wind turbines. Furthermore, GEO-NET is a member of the advisory board for wind consultants of the German Wind Energy Association (BWE, Bundesverband WindEnergie e.V.), and of the technical committee of the Federation of German Windpower (FGW, Fördergesellschaft Windenergie).
Since 1995, GEO-NET has been at the interface of research and development and has worked closely with universities and authorities. We can draw from a broad range of state-of-the-art climate, dispersion and flow stream models, as well as assessment procedures and reference data to handle the various technical issues worldwide.
*1DAkkS = Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle (German Accreditation Body), *2ILAC = International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation