Air hygiene assessments

We provide comprehensive support for all requirements in planning practice for consideration and analysis of air pollution.


Clean air is one of the essential foundations of life on Earth. To achieve a balance between the incriminating activities of man and the assurance or improvement of the air quality, is thus a guideline for all efforts to maintain air. We offer comprehensive support in the consideration and analysis of air pollution loads according to TA-Luft and 39th BImSchV:


  • Analysis of the current immission situation for all relevant air pollutants (including NO2, PM10 and PM2.5) of the source groups transport, industrial / commercial and domestic fires
  • Prognosis of planned long-term and short-term stresses for the new or conversion of traffic routes or for construction projects with traffic and / or ventilation-relevant effects
  • Analyzes, forecasts and valuations of measures (feasibility, mitigation potential, remote effects) within the scope of air purification planning
  • Investigations for special cases such as tunnel portals, covered road sections, car parks and underground garages


Our methodological spectrum ranges from the modeling of stresses for large areas (regional planning, air purification planning) to a meticulous investigation of the spread of pollutants in the influence of different building forms / traffic planning measures. Depending on the requirements, we use different models:


  • Spatially highly resolved, wide-ranging detailed investigations: LASAT / AUSTAL2000, ASMUS, MISKAM
  • Regional or city-wide analyzes: FITNAH, LASAT (extensive); IMMISLUFT (linear, screening)
  • Simplified estimation, impact analysis, hotspot identification in the overall network:
    IMMISLUFT, RLuS (2012)


The general conditions of expert assessments for the topic of air hygiene often require very specific requirements and require a high degree of flexibility of the tools and methods.
Contact us, we will find a solution!

Environmental meteorology